Derek JellickPastorTikipunga Baptist Church is situated on the east side of Whangarei, New Zealand.
We have an open heart for our community, and love to see people’s lives changed in positive ways, as they are empowered by God whom we love and serve. Everyone is welcome to come and join us for our Sunday service at 10am, or catch up with us here during the week. Tiki is a place where God's love changes lives for good, and gives people hope, and we're known as a loving caring community of people. We want to see people come to know our Lord and Saviour, and to grow up in Him. No matter what age you may be, you'll always be able to hear His voice, and to be led by Him. (Ephesians 4:11) Lenore, my wife, and I pastor the Tikipunga Baptist Church. I am a first generation follower of Jesus Christ in my family, which makes me a white sheep in the family. We were saved in 1994, and began to attend the fellowship here at Tiki. That’s the very short version!! I had a Word from God, almost immediately, that I was going to lead these people [no dates of course] and, fifteen years later, after much water had flowed under the bridge, it came to pass. Over these years we’ve been involved in many different areas of Christian ministry, including youth outreach, worship, preaching, practical helps and, eventually, church leadership. Over that time I believe God gave me visions of what He's going to do in the church and through the church and, as Pastors, we have been implementing different aspects of that over the last three years. I'm a basic kind of guy who loves God and loves the outdoors - pig hunting, deer-stalking, fishing and diving - so when God said to me "get back to the basics", that suited me fine. Jesus has a passion for the lost (Luke 19:10) and so do I. I believe the Gospel is still the Power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16). I believe Jesus Christ the Messiah suffered and died on Calvary's cross, paying the penalty for our sin. He purchased our salvation, our peace and our wholeness (Isaiah 53:5). I believe that Christian believers should have full immersion baptism, in obedience to the Word of God, and as a demonstration of dying to self and rising to new life in Christ. I believe the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit at work in the world today. He abides in every Spirit-filled believer. He is our comforter and guide, and leads us into all truth; He testifies of Jesus (John 16:12-15). He empowers us to witness, He empowers us to follow Jesus and He authenticates the preaching of the Word, with signs and wonders (Hebrews 2:4) (Romans 15:15-19). We want to see the Body of Christ rise up in power and authority, and truly be a light to the world. |